Crow Law Offices - Sacramento Personal Injuiry Attorneys - Established 1954
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Quick Introduction


What is a Tort? A tort is another way of saying a personal injury. A tort occurs when someone commits an act that harms another. The harm can be the result of intentional or negligent acts of another. A tort or personal injury lawsuit allows a person to recover monetary damages for the injuries that another causes.

What is a Plaintiff? In a personal injury case, the plaintiff is the person who was injured and is bringing a lawsuit for monetary compensation. The plaintiff is the one suing.

What is a Defendant? In a personal injury case, the defendant is the one who is accused of causing harm to another (the plaintiff). The defendant is the one being sued. A defendant may be a person, company or a governmental entity.

A Defendant defends. The defendant in a personal injury case is usually represented by an insurance company and the team of attorneys they hire to represent the defendant. When a claim is made against a defendant, the insurance company and their team of lawyers, will spare no effort or expense to try and discredit a victim’s case. Insurance companies have record profits largely by denying or significantly undervaluing the victim’s case. That is why it is essential to retain a personal injury attorney who has the knowledge, wherewithal and financial ability to fully protect your rights.

Novice vs. Experience. Insurance companies are well versed in defending personal injury cases. In order to overcome the insurance companies and their defense tactics, it is important to have an experienced personal injury firm fighting on your behalf. With over years of experience fighting insurance companies, the personal injury attorneys at the Crow Law Offices are well known, respected and can make sure you receive the just compensation that you are due.

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