Crow Law Offices - Sacramento Personal Injuiry Attorneys - Established 1954
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Retaining an attorney under FELA

When injured on the job, a railroader is going to be put into a very unfamiliar situation that may require the use of legal representation. What was once a friendly employee-employer working relationship is going to change into an adversarial challenge. The railroad company is going to use all means necessary to avoid paying an injured employee including use of their own attorneys and claim agents to investigate the case. It is important to remember that railroad employees have important rights under the F.E.L.A. that can be lost if not used. Some of the most important rights are:

  1. Railroad employees have the right to sue their employer for fair compensation in the event of injury or death.
  2. Railroad employees have the right to use legal counsel.
  3. Railroad companies are prohibited from intimidating witnesses and fellow employees who give information or testify on the behalf of an injured employee.
  4. Railroad companies are prohibited from taking any action against employees who use these rights.

To help protect these rights, the Crow Law Offices, has provided F.E.L.A. legal expertise to its clients for over 59 years.  The individual members of the firm have over 90 years of combined experience dealing with F.E.L.A. claims and the railroad claim agents, and help railroad employees stand a much better chance of receiving fair compensation for their injuries.

Remember: Railroad companies will not encourage an injured employee to seek the services of an attorney. These companies know that an injured employee has a better chance of receiving more compensation with an experienced F.E.L.A. attorney than they would receive directly from the railroad. In fact, from 1990 to 1994, F.E.L.A. claims with lawsuits were significantly higher than negotiated claims:

Negotiated Claims
Claims With Lawsuits
1990   $24,414   $159,356
1991   29,163   146,369
1992   29,536   160,159
1993   32,713   166,500
1994   33,919   165,421
Source: GAO, 8/96, Assoc. of American Railroads

While these are national statistics and should not be looked upon to determine individual cases, they are a good indication of why the railroads like to handle claims internally.

If injured on the job, get legal counsel working for you immediately.  Consultation is free and highly recommended when injured on the job.

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